Your Local Podiatrist Cesar Puertolas. offers advice to parents on the importance of choosing the right sporting footwear for their children.
As winter sport registrations are in full swing and parents are spending a small fortune fitting their children out in club uniforms and equipment, local Podiatrist Cesar Puertolas is urging parents to give careful thought to their children’s footwear.
The key message from Cesar is to not be easily influenced by marketing hype and instead choose the sporting footwear that is appropriate for their child. “For example, just because a shoe is marketed as a netball shoe doesn’t mean it will necessarily offer the right support for everyone playing netball,” says Cesar. “Sometimes the right shoe for a netballer, junior or senior, might be a cross-trainer that offers more flexibility.”
Previous injuries also make the right shoe selection crucial.
Different sports place different demands on growing bodies. Netballers are prone to ankle and knee injuries from the high-impact nature of the sport, soccer players are also prone to similar injuries from the constant change of direction, as are tennis players as they run sideways, backward and forwards.
“It’s important that parents have their children fitted by staff who understand not all feet are the same,” adds Cesar. “The staff should also have excellent product knowledge about the different models of shoes and the features they offer.”
Using hand-me-downs should also be avoided as these sporting shoes could have significant wear in the shock absorption capacity of the shoes and uneven wear of soles. Generally speaking, sporting footwear should be replaced every six months.
Your local Podiatrist can also offer advice on the right shoe for your child. A Podiatrist will perform a biomechanical assessment and determine if there are any structural issues with the foot and lower limb and will advise on how your child can enjoy their sport pain free and minimise injury. A podiatrist such as Cesar, who is experienced in dealing with athletes, will also be familiar with the wide range of footwear and will be able to advise accordingly.
Cesar’s advice not only applies to children. Older athletes should also ensure they match the right shoe with their foot and their sport of choice.
In some instances your Podiatrist may also recommend orthotics that are inserted in the shoe to help with function and stability.
Of course footwear alone will not prevent all injuries, quality strengthening exercises are an important part of overall foot and lower limb health for anyone participating in sport. Your local Podiatrist can also help with rehabilitation and injury prevention.
For more advice and an assessment, contact Cesar Puertolas at his Frenchs Forest practice on 9451 9432 or in the City on 9358 5898. Most health funds cover podiatry.